
Showing posts from June, 2021

Lifeay 7: playing video files

How to play video files in Liferay Overview This article explains how to play video files on Liferay portal from the Documents & Media, or in a custom fragment/widget.  Configuration 1. Go to Server Administration -> External Services: 2. Scroll down to the Xuggler section and click the “Install” button to install the xuggler libraries: 3. Restart Liferay server. 4. Go to Server Administration -> External Services. 5. Make sure Xuggler is installed correctly, and enable it: Verification To verify the video playing feature navigate to Documents & Media, and upload a video file: You should see a message about preview generation: Wait until it’s finished, and that’s it - video can be viewed directly from Documents & Media: Note : you can re-use this functionality in a custom widget/fragment - you need to generate a URL to the DL File Entry, and use it in a ‘video’ tag for playing the video file. Enjoy 😏

Liferay Fragments Toolkit

Liferay Fragments Toolkit Overview This article explains how to install the Liferay Fragments Toolkit, create and import fragments into Liferay.  Instructions 1. Install yarn :  npm i -g yarn 2. Install generator-liferay-fragments :  yarn global add yo generator-liferay-fragments 3. Create a new project for fragments development:  yo liferay-fragments The following project structure should be created: 4. Create a new fragment collection (run command from inside the new fragments project): yarn run add-collection 5. Create a new fragment: yarn run add-fragment A new fragment should be created within the selected collection: 6. Import fragment to Liferay server: yarn run import Verify on Liferay, that fragments have been imported successfully: Enjoy 😏