Liferay Headless API Implementation
Liferay Headless APIs Development Headless APIs: Implementation, Securing and Consuming Overview This blog will explain how to implement a custom Headless API module, configure an OAuth2 authorization and consume the Headless REST APIs. We’ll implement the Headless API for “App manager” functionality (with endpoints to get the list of apps, get app details, create/update/delete the app). “App” here is a model, describing some external application (e.g. Google/Facebook), with the following fields: appId, name, description, logoUrl, linkUrl. Headless Module Creation Inside the Gradle Liferay Workspace create a module for the Headless API with the following structure: Inside the api folder create the following files: bnd.bnd - bundle descriptor; build.gradle - gradle build script file. Inside implementation folder create the following files: bnd.bnd - bundle descriptor; build.gradle - gradle build script file. rest-config.yaml - configuration file for REST Builder; rest-o...