Liferay 7: Global Resource Bundle
Global Resource Bundle for Liferay 7 Overview Liferay Resource Bundle is used for messages translation on the portal. Each module may have it’s own Resource Bundle. This article explains how to create a “global” one, with translations available for any other module, including the Liferay core modules. Implementation 1. Create a module with the following structure: 2. Define dependencies in build.grade : dependencies { compileOnly group : "com.liferay.portal" , name : "com.liferay.portal.kernel" compileOnly group : "com.liferay.portal" , name : "com.liferay.util.taglib" compileOnly group : "javax.portlet" , name : "portlet-api" compileOnly group : "javax.servlet" , name : "javax.servlet-api" compileOnly group : "jstl" , name : "jstl" compileOnly group : "org.osgi" , name : "osgi.cmpn" } 3. Create a bundle descriptor bnd.bdn : Bundle-Name : Li...