JSP Override with OSGi Fragments

JSP Override with OSGi Fragments

Note: article is obsolete, check new version here.


This article describes how to create custom JSP Override module (AKA JSP Hook in previous Liferay versions).
Note: Although this way is not recommended way by Liferay (see: https://portal.liferay.dev/docs/7-2/customization/-/knowledge_base/c/jsp-overrides-using-osgi-fragments), it seems to be the most straightforward and powerfult approach.

JSP-Override module creation

1 - Finding the required JSP in Liferay sources.

Let's say, for example, you need to customize Asset Publisher configuration and add additional option for Content Set Provider configuration: max items count to display.
Find the appropriate JSP file in Liferay sources: for Liferay 7.2 CE GA 1 this is:

2 - Finding the required JSP in Marketplace LPKG file.

We found, that required JSP in under asset-publisher-web folder in Liferay sources.
Thus, find appropriate *.lpkg file in LR/osgi/marketplace folder.
For our case it's Liferay CE Web Experience - Liferay CE Asset - Impl.lpkg. Copy it somewhere and unpack.
Find the same JSP in the appropriate JAR file

3 - Create module for JSP Override

Create module in your Liferay workspace.
Configure the bnd.bnd file:
Bundle-Name: Asset Publisher Configuration JSP Override
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.lifedev.asset.publisher.configuration.jsp.override
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Fragment-Host: com.liferay.asset.publisher.web;bundle-version="3.0.21"
-sources: true
Fragment-Host should point to module found above: in this example for com.liferay.asset.publisher.web-3.0.21.jar Fragment-Host value is: com.liferay.asset.publisher.web;bundle-version="3.0.21"
Copy JSP to your module (using the same folder, META-INF/resources/configuration here).
Add required customization, for example

4 - Deploy module

Deploy module with JSP Override.
Note: after successful deployment module state will be Resolved, not Active.
Verify, if changed applied.
Congratulations! You have implemented the JSP Override 👌
But it's too early to drink beer 🍺
You still need to save the added field on customized JSP on the backend. For this you may use the Porltet Filter.

Enjoy 😏


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