Configurable Scheduled Task (Cronjob) in Liferay DXP

Configurable Scheduled Task 


This article will explain and give you an example of configurable scheduled task. It may be enabled or disabled on-the-fly, cronjob expression for the task may be also changed dynamically.


This is an example of scheduled task, which uses custom OSGi configuration:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Log;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.BaseMessageListener;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.DestinationNames;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.Message;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.scheduler.*;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.*;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;

        configurationPid = MyConfigurationKeys.MY_CONFIGURATION_ID, //todo 1: - set configuration ID
        immediate = true,
        property = {
        service = BaseMessageListener.class
public class MyCronJob extends BaseMessageListener {

    private static final String CRON_EXPRESSION_DEFAULT = "0 * * * * ?";
    private static final boolean CRON_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false;

    protected void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) throws SchedulerException {
        String cronExpresion = CRON_EXPRESSION_DEFAULT;
        boolean cronEnabled = CRON_ENABLED_DEFAULT;

        //todo 2: - use your configuration util
        MyConfiguration myConfiguration = MyConfigurationUtil.getMyConfiguration();
        if (myConfiguration != null) {
            cronEnabled = myConfiguration.cronEnabled();
            cronExpresion = myConfiguration.cronExpression();
        if (cronEnabled) {
            //Cronjob enabled
            String listenerClass = getClass().getName();
            Trigger jobTrigger = _triggerFactory.createTrigger(listenerClass, listenerClass, new Date(), null, cronExpresion);
            _schedulerEntryImpl = new SchedulerEntryImpl(getClass().getName(), jobTrigger);
            if (_initialized) {
            _schedulerEngineHelper.register(this, _schedulerEntryImpl, DestinationNames.SCHEDULER_DISPATCH);
            _log.debug("Scheduled task registered: " + cronExpresion);
            _initialized = true;
        } else {
            //Cronjob disabled

    protected void doReceive(Message message) throws Exception {
        _myService.myAction();   // todo 3 - invoke your service

    /* deactivate: Called when OSGi is deactivating the component */
    protected void deactivate() {

    private void unregister() {
        // if we previously were initialized
        if (_initialized) {
            // un-schedule the job so it is cleaned up
            try {
                _schedulerEngineHelper.unschedule(_schedulerEntryImpl, getStorageType());
            } catch (SchedulerException se) {
                if (_log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    _log.warn("Unable to unschedule trigger", se);
            // unregister this listener
        // clear the initialized flag
        _initialized = false;

    protected StorageType getStorageType() {
        if (_schedulerEntryImpl instanceof StorageTypeAware) {
            return ((StorageTypeAware) _schedulerEntryImpl).getStorageType();
        return StorageType.MEMORY_CLUSTERED;

    private volatile boolean _initialized;
    private SchedulerEntryImpl _schedulerEntryImpl = null;

    private TriggerFactory _triggerFactory;
    private SchedulerEngineHelper _schedulerEngineHelper;
    private MyService _myService;  // todo 4 - inject your service

    private static final Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(MyCronJob.class);

TODOs here:
  • 1 - set you own configuration ID (check more detail in Custom OSGi Settings article;
  • 2 - use your configuration util wrapper for your OSGi configuration;
  • 3 - use your service with business-logic you need to invoke in the cronjob.
  • 4 - inject the service you need;

Important notes:
  • configurationPid should be specified to listen to changes in OSGi configuration;
  • Cronjob class should extend BaseMessageListener class;
  • Both @Activate and @Modified annotations should be used to re-activate component after OSGi configuration properties modified;
  • doReceive method is the one invoked by scheduled task, business-logic should be placed here;
  • deactivate method should have unregister scheduled listener logic and annotated with @Deactivate annotation.

Required dependencies:

dependencies {     
    compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "com.liferay.portal.kernel"
    compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "com.liferay.util.taglib"
    compileOnly group: "javax.portlet", name: "portlet-api"
    compileOnly group: "javax.servlet", name: "javax.servlet-api"
    compileOnly group: "jstl", name: "jstl"
    compileOnly group: "org.osgi", name: "org.osgi.service.component.annotations"
    compileOnly project(":modules:my-configuration")
    compileOnly project(":modules:my-service")

(use your own configuration and service modules)

Enjoy 😉


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