Asset Publisher Widget Template: scoping front-end code to a portlet instance

Asset Publisher Widget Template: scoping front-end code to a portlet instance


Sometimes you need to implement some Javascript and CSS code inside your Asset Publisher Widget Template. It may work properly, but it may be broken when you add a second instance of Asset Publisher with the same Widget Template. This article will show how to "scope" your Javascript/CSS code to the portlet instance only.

Fetch the portletId

First you need to fetch the portletId in Freemarker code of your Widget Template:


   portletId = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId()


Adjust the Javascript code

Now that you have the portletId, you may use it to fetch the portlet container and bind any javascript events inside it, sample:

$(document).ready(function() {
   var portletId = "${portletId}";
   var $container = $("#portlet_" + portletId);
   //todo: bind all events to container, sample:
   $container.on("click", ".my-btn", function (event) {
       //todo: action-handler

Adjust the CSS code

If you have some CSS inside the Widget Template - you may also use the portletId to scope styling only for the portlet instance, sample:


   #portlet_{portletId} .portlet-body {

       padding-top: 15px;




Enjoy 😏


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