Flatpickr Datepicker Integration for Liferay


Liferay Flatpickr Integration 

How to integrate a custom Datepicker for Lifeary


Almost each website has a form where user needs to input the Date data - the date of birth, registration date, etc. Usually for such cases Datepicker components are used. Liferay has out-of-the-box date pickers, but each of them has its limitations:

  • Liferay Datepicker (<liferay-ui:input-date) is deprecated already and has a legacy UI not compatible with modern Lexicon Design and Clay Components;
  • Clay Datepicker is more visually appealing, but it does not have an appropriate component in the Clay Taglib - thus, can be used only inside React apps, and not in JSP code.

Considering that, a 3rd-party Datepicker library can be used for displaying dates in Liferay.

Flatpickr Integration

There are a lot of JS libraries for Datepickers.

The flatpickr one is a lightweight and dependency-free library with modern UI and lot of easy to use configuration options.

To integrate Flatpickr you need to add it's JS and CSS files to the project theme, and then you can initialize it using the input field for rendering the datepicker.

Download Javascript file flatpickr.js and put it to js folder of the theme. Include it in the portal_normal.ftl:

<script src="${javascript_folder}/flatpickr.js"></script>

Download CSS file flatpickr.min.css and put in inside css folder. Include it into _custom.scss:

@import "flatpickr.min.css";

Re-deploy the theme, and you should be ready to use Flatpickr component.

You can initialize the component for 'dateOfBirth' field in the following way:

<script type="text/javascript">
Liferay.on('allPortletsReady', function () {
var fp = new flatpickr('#${namespace}dateOfBirth', {
dateFormat: 'd/m/Y'

The flatpickr function accepts two arguments:

  • selector - the HTML selector for input component to initialize the datepicker;
Finally, the Flatpickr datepicker should display in the following way:

Enjoy 😏


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