Accessing Article Information in Web Content Templates
While, it’s pretty simple to access journal article structure fields in template:
(you have all these fields listed, and even code sample is generated when you click on it),
accessing article information (articleId, author, etc.) is not such straightforward.
To access such information you may use the following syntax:
<#assign journalArticleId = .vars['reserved-article-id'].data/>
This will get the articleId of the article being displayed by the template.
In a similar way you can access other fields, sample:
<#assign createDate = .vars['reserved-article-create-date'].data/>
<#assign author = .vars['reserved-article-author-name'].data/>
All these fields are listed in com.liferay.journal.model.JournalStructureConstants class:
public class JournalStructureConstants {
public static final String RESERVED = "reserved";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_ASSET_TAG_NAMES = "reserved-article-asset-tag-names";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_AUTHOR_COMMENTS = "reserved-article-author-comments";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "reserved-article-author-email-address";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_AUTHOR_ID = "reserved-article-author-id";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_AUTHOR_JOB_TITLE = "reserved-article-author-job-title";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_AUTHOR_LOCATION = "reserved-article-author-location";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_AUTHOR_NAME = "reserved-article-author-name";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_AUTHOR_ORGANIZATION = "reserved-article-author-organization";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_CREATE_DATE = "reserved-article-create-date";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION = "reserved-article-description";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_DISPLAY_DATE = "reserved-article-display-date";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_ID = "reserved-article-id";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_MODIFIED_DATE = "reserved-article-modified-date";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_SMALL_IMAGE_URL = "reserved-article-small-image-url";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_TITLE = "reserved-article-title";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_TYPE = "reserved-article-type";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_URL_TITLE = "reserved-article-url-title";
public static final String RESERVED_ARTICLE_VERSION ="reserved-article-version";
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