Cleaning up a Liferay DXP instance

Cleaning up a Liferay DXP instance

Sometimes Liferay needs to be cleaned. When there are some unexpected errors, which are reproducible only in specific environment - the reason may be in some cached or old modules, conflicts, deployment issues, etc. And in most cases just “full” clean and re-deploy helps.

Cleaning Liferay folders

To cleanup Liferay instance - you need:

1. Stop Liferay
2. Cleanup the following folders:
3. Deploy required modules.
4. Start Liferay.

Cleaning Service Builder

When there are some issues with deploying service-builder, the following approach should help:

1. Clean Liferay folders (see previous section)
2. Drop DB tables, created by service builder.
3. Find and drop record for service builder module in ‘release_’ table:

select * from release_ where servletContextName like '%your_context_name%';

4. Run ‘buildService’ task in service builder.
5. Deploy service builder modules.
6. Start Liferay.


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