Liferay MVC portlet - first steps

Liferay MVC portlet - first steps

When you generate an MVC Portlet in Liferay Workspace - you’ll get the following code (sample):

Portlet class:

  immediate = true,
  property = {
     "" + UserSearchPortletKeys.UserSearch,
  service = Portlet.class
public class UserSearchPortlet extends MVCPortlet {

Portlet keys class:

public class UserSearchPortletKeys {
  public static final String UserSearch = "usersearch";

Here is a list of first steps to modify here.

1) Change generated portlet name.
Change generated name with Liferay-style portlet ID. For this sample:

  public static final String PORTLET_ID = "com_liferdev_user_search_portlet_UserSearchPortlet";

"" + UserSearchPortletKeys.PORTLET_ID,

Use full class name with ‘_’ instead of ‘.’

2) Add display name.

Add constant and use it in portlet:

public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "User Search Portlet";

"javax.portlet.display-name=" + UserSearchPortletKeys.DISPLAY_NAME,

This name will be displayed for portlet on Liferay page.

3) Change display category:

Use required category name to display portlet under that category:

public static final String DISPLAY_CATEGORY = "LifeDev";

"com.liferay.portlet.display-category=" + UserSearchPortletKeys.DISPLAY_CATEGORY,

Otherwise, portlet will be displayed under default “Sample” category.

4) Add css-class-wrapper:

public static final String CSS_CLASS_WRAPPER = "lifedev-user-search-portlet-wrapper";

"com.liferay.portlet.css-class-wrapper=" + UserSearchPortletKeys.CSS_CLASS_WRAPPER

This is needed to reference portlet in theme for styling.

5) Remove generated resources/content/ file

It’s a best practice to store Language properties in a single resource bundle module.

6) Create required MVC Commands (render/action/resource) and use them in portlet.

It’s a best practice to not modify portlet’s class code, but use a separate command for each required action.

Here is sample code for this example:


  immediate = true,
  property = {
     "com.liferay.portlet.display-category=" + UserSearchPortletKeys.DISPLAY_CATEGORY,
     "" + UserSearchPortletKeys.PORTLET_ID,
     "javax.portlet.display-name=" + UserSearchPortletKeys.DISPLAY_NAME,
     "com.liferay.portlet.css-class-wrapper=" + UserSearchPortletKeys.CSS_CLASS_WRAPPER
  service = Portlet.class
public class UserSearchPortlet extends MVCPortlet {

Portlet keys: 

public class UserSearchPortletKeys {
  public static final String PORTLET_ID = "com_liferdev_user_search_portlet_UserSearchPortlet";
  public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "User Search Portlet";
  public static final String DISPLAY_CATEGORY = "LifeDev";
  public static final String CSS_CLASS_WRAPPER = "lifedev-user-search-portlet-wrapper";

Hope, this will help you for developing MVC portlets 😏


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